
Medusa System Agent for exporting site data such as SBO WebReports tables.

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Medusa System Agent


Medusa System Agent is a tool that logs into and exports site data from a SQL database as a CSV to local storage. Once the data is cloned to remote storage (by Chimera), System Agent purges the local files.

Medusa is designed to integrate with a cloud backup agent, like Chimera. Chimera can automatically run the System Agent as an executable, before and after each backup job, to prepare the data for upload, then clean up local storage.

Installation and setup

Create a SQL Server read-only user

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and login as a user with sysadmin role.
  2. In the Object Explorer, expand the database to be exported > Security > Users. Right-click > New User… New user...
  3. Under General, enter the User name and Login name. User - General
  4. Under Membership, check db_backupoperator and db_datareader. User - Membership
  5. Click OK.

Generate the configuration file

  1. In the Medusa dashboard, navigate to the correct facility and select Settings.
  2. Check “Enable System Agent” and click Download Config. A zip file downloads containing the Medusa System Agent and Chimera config files.
  3. For custom systems, modify the config files to suit.

Install Medusa System Agent

  1. Download the latest version Medusa System Agent msi from here.
  2. On the local server, run Medusa.System.Agent-xxx.msi to install Medusa System Agent.
  3. Open a new command prompt (medusa-agent has been added to PATH, CMD will need to be reopened to load the new PATH).
  4. Run medusa-agent in command prompt. This will instantiate the data directories.
  5. Copy the downloaded Medusa System Agent config.ini into %programdata%\medusa-agent.

Install Chimera

  1. Download the latest version of Chimera Backup Agent for Windows from here.
  2. On the local server, run chimera-win-xxx.msi to install Chimera.
  3. Navigate to %programfilesx86%\Chimera\Chimera Backup Agent\winservice and run install_service_xxx.bat, where xxx is the OS architecture.
  4. Copy the downloaded Chimera config, config.ini into %programfilesx86%\Chimera\Chimera Backup Agent. The file must be named config.ini.
  5. In Windows Services, start Chimera.


Custom deployments



Building from source

Read cx_Freeze documentation. Run python bdist_msi

Releasing a new version

  1. On both a 32-bit and 64-bit development Windows machine, uninstall any existing versions.
  2. Develop the python application.
  3. Test the python application.
  4. On the 64-bit machine:
  5. Remove any config files or %programdata% directories associated with the production application.
  6. Build the MSI, see Building from source.
  7. Run the MSI to install the Windows application.
  8. Check config is correct and test the Windows application.
  9. Repeat the above steps for the 32-bit machine.
  10. If everything passes, tag the git branch with the correct version number (using Semantic Versioning and push to Github:
git tag -a vX.X.X -m "Medusa System Agent version X.X.X"
git add .
git commit -m "release vX.X.X"
git push origin master
  1. In Github, create a new release, pointing it to the newly created tag. Annotate the release notes.